Nabi Flowers
Mini Rose Bouquet
Mini Rose Bouquet
Our Mini Roses is a timeless arrangement featuring premium mini roses, carefully selected for their lush blooms and vibrant color. Arranged with fresh complimenting florals and presented in elegant wrapping, this bouquet makes a stunning gift for any occasion, symbolizing love, admiration, and appreciation.
Medium: Medium sized bouquet with premium mini roses with fillers & greenery in our Signature Korean Wrapping Style.
Large: Large sized bouquet with premium mini roses with fillers & greenery in our Signature Korean Wrapping Style.
XL: XL sized bouquet with premium mini roses with fillers & greenery in our Signature Korean Wrapping Style.
Vase Arrangement: Premium Mini Roses with fillers & greenery in a classic vase.
We kindly request a minimum of 5 days notice for mini rose bouquet.
All other colours are subject to availability and require mininum 5 days notice: red, light pink, dark pink, yellow, peach.